A Speed Racer Mall Directory!

101 - The Speed Burger
102 - The SPAM Jam
103 - Trixie's Tacos
104 - Psycho Burger
105 - Bean World
106 - Towcar's Tofu Tent
201 - Vondervon's Vestments for Men
202 - Twinkle's Trippy Hippie Hut
203 - The Bat Boys Costume Boutique
204 - Orienna Flux Fashions, Inc.
General Merchandise
301 - Lily Marker's Luscious Flower Booth
302 - Tongue Blaggard's Body Piercing Booth
303 - Just Speed Racer
304 - The Car Acrobatic Rent-A-Party Service
305 - The Alpha Team Rent-A-Party Service
306 - Lovelace's Lovely Doilies at 1/2 off!
307 - Goldminter's Gorgeous Gold Jewelry
401 - Omar's Palace Penny Arcade
402 - Racer X's X-Rated Video Hut
403 - The Prince Jam Palace Arcade
404 - The Ace Deucey Dance Spot
(No Under 21's Admitted--HA!)
405 - Zoomer Slick's Fantastic Flicks
Family Services
501 - The Late Ben Cranem Funeral Home Service
502 - Flash Marker's Custom Crutches
At Crippling Prices
503 - Curly Cranem's Crew Cuts
504 - Lawson Lamster's Law and Order
505 - Sirvana's Sexy Dance Lessons
506 - Sparky's Car Repairs In An Hour!
507 - Ms. Racer's Custom Contact Lenses For
People With Overly Large Eyes
Secret Services
601 - Gang of Assassins
Hitmen For Hire!
Holdups, Murders, and More!